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Ideas and trends in DIY and Garden. Research, studies, trends

2023, declining market for garden machinery
Euro Plant Tray for reusing plant trays
Live Shopping, the node of payments
Live shopping as a reputational tool
Live shopping, which and how many products?
Live shopping, sales or communication tool?
The role of influencers in live shopping
Live Shopping, new sales channel or support for eCommerce and physical store?
Live shopping as a marketing tool
Gardening, machinery declining in 2023
Romina Tribi: “There are still gender disparities in Italy.”
Silvia Spillere: “Variety, an asset for any organization.”
Deloitte, 11 DIY retailers in the Top 250
Coop 2018 report. Italians have their homes on their minds (furnishing, DIY and gardens)
GS1 Non-Food Survey shows DIY sector growth  
Multichannel shopping survey. 44% of Italians shop online
Myplant & Garden 2019, the green expo

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