Live Shopping, the node of payments
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Relative to what is happening in China, where digitization of payments is highest, here in Italy resistance is still present, and this is compounded by a technological limitation.
This is also why the Leifheit-Capaldo initiative chose the “long” path, meaning that after the first video launch in September, the last phase was completed in this December 2023.

“We are not there yet,” Arcuri continues, “but in the future, with the ability to take advantage of faster payments, we will also be able to work on products with lower beats and thus on impulse. Not to mention that this development can be a real opportunity for those retailers struggling with Commerce. To think that the world’s leading retailer Walmart has decided to invest most of its money on Live broadcasts certainly gives one pause.”
And on the issue of payments Landolfi returns, pointing out that “the issue of payments is not secondary, because the extreme popularity of live commerce in China is precisely because of the technical structure of payment that makes it extremely immediate-in 1 click. In Italy this is not yet possible, but soon Meta will start the first tests, and we will certainly get there over the next few years.”
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