Live shopping as a reputational tool
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For live must become a repeated constant over time for it to be effective. This is the only way to create community, build customer loyalty and succeed in maximizing the attention of one’s “followers,” who gradually increase trust in the manufacturer and distributor, who, at the same time, by creating a more direct relationship, also increase their reputation.
In this sense, Daniela D’Arcangelo, national account & trade marketing manager, Leifheit Italy, reports on the experiences of the multinational company, which started with Live six years ago in China: “has its own account in major social media (red, tik tok, wechat) With a weekly post schedule and content provided by our international marketing or self-produced in China. In Italy, Leifheit reinterpreted the cues of the Chinese subsidiary by espousing the Live social commerce project, the start of which was planned With a first live go scheduled for November 24, 2022, in the company’s headquarters and social pages, and the participation of a well-known influencer in the way of home care as mammalinga and microinfluencers “Ele and Vale.”

And, again, as Paolo Arcuri points out, ” increased knowledge and trust in the brand also helps to convey products that perhaps need more time to be explained and understood by the consumer. Either because they have higher technical content or because they have a cost that needs to be justified and understood. The choice to reach the customer through a distributor, as in the case of Progress, goes in this direction and amplifies the spectrum of action, thanks to the solid expertise of a retailer with a long-standing presence in the Italian market.”
Read on, the panel discussion continues with:
- Live shopping, sales or communication tool?
- Live shopping as a marketing tool
- Live Shopping. The node of payments
- Live Shopping, a new sales channel or support for eCommerce to the physical store?
- The role of influencers in Live Shopping
- Live shopping: which and how many products?
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