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Live shopping, which and how many products?

Live shopping, which and how many products?

In the construction of a Live shopping can not miss the design of the range of products that you are going to present and sell.

And here another debate opens up. While one aspect already highlighted concerns the possibility offered by Live to be able to better “explain” the function of more complex products, Anna Maria Pagliuca of A.Capaldo wonders, considering the industry’s wide range of commodities, whether it is better to focus on specific compartments from time to time.

In support, Giorgio Marfi, of Bronet Service, agrees with Pagliuca on circumscribing Live on specific product categories from time to time.

In this sense, Paolo Arcuri reports that, in Leifheit’s experience, the products that attract the most interest are those with high content; mid- to high-end products with an important price positioning that La Live makes protagonists with the content of a promotional sale. To do this, D’Arcangelo explains that usually the “workhorses of our main product categories are selected, the ones where it is worth spending a little more and never more than 4-5 products because creating content that is too long will bring down attention.”

But more generally, beyond the individual case, a very wide field opens up for experimentation to understand which products best meet the, shall we say, “scenic” needs of a Live commerce. Certainly distributor data can come to the rescue, provided that accurate and constant CRM work has been done or is being undertaken, which can, from time to time, be supplemented by data received from the various live.

In this regard, Landolfi also refers to the preparatory work that distinguishes a Live and the analysis it entails both with respect to information from the client, with respect to sales and targeting, but also with respect to information gleaned from tools such as Google Analytics.

conclusion? Live, a world to explore

“Right now there are a lot of variables as to whether or not you are doing the right thing,” commented Salvatore Trotta, heading toward the conclusion. The target audience, the hours, the products, the influencers, the payments, all of which you can sift through in great detail but which do not give certainty the perfect targeting of customers. We take it for granted that certain forms of online commerce are the preserve of digital natives, but then we discover that higher age groups are not outdone either. In short, at this moment in history it often happens that evaluations are made that then, in the process, have to be revised.”

And on demographics, Luigi De Pascale rightly points out that conjugating the web only with younger generations might have had some value 15 years ago but that is no longer the case today, reflecting the fact “that our fanbase ranges from 20 to 50 years old.” And just as one cannot disregard the user base that expands its boundaries, one cannot forget that for a Live to be successful it is also necessary to flank a communication operation with ongoing investment, because it should be remembered that “the conversion rate is normally low, so you have to achieve a significant number of views.”

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