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Mondobrico opening in Alessandria

Inaugurated on 12 September, the seventh Mondobrico store is situated in a completely new setting; equally new is also the Retail Park Alessandria, located on the busy via Marengo. This represents an excellent position, characterised by optimum visibility from the street and accessibility to the retail park which is provided, of course, of free parking facilities.

The layout is similar to that of the store in Pavia – opened on 16 July – with the decoration departments divided from technical departments by the central corridor. The entrance zone features a huge promotional area, a part of which, however, – according to the store’s manager, Maurizio Valla – could be occupied, in the future, by the corner dedicated to household goods, “La Fabrika del Casalingo”, as in the case of the Pavia site.

The store occupies a total of 4,000 square metres, 2,500 of which dedicated to sales. In this store, too, the space immediately adjacent to the entrance is occupied by the tried and tested Maison B. Case Da Ricordare corner, focused on shabby-style furnishing and accessories. The household goods department also hosts the Mille Bolle area, organised and renovated thanks to the recent partnership established with Brico io. Identical to the Pavia store is also the car care department, “Pit Stop.”

The store also includes, as usual, a pet department, although in this case the close proximity to a L’Isola dei Tesori pet store in the same Retail Park might lead, in the future, to changes in the assortment.

The outdoor area of about 500 square metres is totally sheltered like the Silvano D’Orba store.

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