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Court of Milan: Leroy Merlin wins against Cernigliaro

Alessandro Cernigliaro, Leroy Merlin Italia
Alessandro Cernigliaro, Leroy Merlin Italia

The Court of Milan, Labor Section granted the request by the Leroy Merlin sign against former Supply Chain Leader, Alessandro Cernigliaro.

The court found valid the sign’s arguments about the breakdown of the fiduciary bond against Alessandro Cernigliaro due to conflict of interest, for entering into agreements with suppliers outside of company protocol and without complying with the terms set for spending limits.

Not only ,to these reasons the court also added compromised the proper operation procedure aimed at preventing the removal of products from warehouses.

Recall that the company had decided to take legal action against Alessandro Cernigliaro, with a claim for damages of 2 million euros.

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