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Bricoman to open in Venegono (Varese)


Having passed up the opportunity to open in Ponte Vedano, the retail chain belonging to Adeo secured, on December 10th last year, the possibility of setting up a new outlet in Venegono Inferiore, near Varese, Italy.

Bricoman Italia srl’s intention to press ahead with its development of “Area di Trasformazione “AT6: ex s.s. Varesina II” was approved by a resolution that was passed with three votes in favour and two against.

The implementation plan envisages the construction of a commercial site to be allocated to a medium-sized retail store organised as a “forma unitaria-centro commerciale aggregato (single format – aggregated shopping centre)”, covering a “gross maximum overall floor area of around 4,971.56 square metres”, while an area of almost 5,000 sqm will be given over to parking.

As is usual, the deal will also include the necessary works involving the road system, such as the building of a new roundabout, and adjustments to the surrounding roads. The overall costs are estimated to amount to almost 740 thousand euros and will also cover Bricoman’s purchase, for donation to the local council, of 11,410 square metres of land currently owned by the company Edilvirgi srl.

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