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2019, STIHL breaks into the gardening sector

2019, STIHL breaks into the gardening sector

The STIHL Group, from January 2019, is offering the market a complete range of gardening products, exclusively under the STIHL brand. The executive board chairman of STIHL, Bertram Kandziora, explains: “We plan to exploit the sales and turnover potential of the internationally renowned STIHL global brand.”

The new STIHL gardening products are already on sale, and they range from shredders to motor-hoes, lawn aerators and garden tractors, which join the company’s orange mowers, the battery powered versions of which were already launched on the market last year.

“We will be extending the assortment expertise of the STIHL brand” says Norbert Pick, executive board member and marketing & sales manager. “Improvements will be seen in the company’s know-how, research and development skills, and innovative strength, and customers will benefit from these in terms of new products and features”.

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