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Tecnomat to open in Foggia

Tecnomat to open in Foggia

It is dated Nov. 24, the publication on the City Council’s website of the Application for Verification of Submissibility to V.I.A. submitted by Finsud Ltd., the real estate company that is supposed to build the new facility.

According to reports on the municipality’s website, Finsud, through its legal representative Antonio Sarni, submitted technical documentation regarding the “Project for the construction of a new commercial building in the industrial zone “ASI-Incoronata” in the Municipality of Foggia” with a simultaneous request to initiate the procedure of verification of subjectivity to Environmental Impact Assessment for “for the construction of a parking lot for public use with a capacity of more than 500 parking spaces.”

The construction of the new Tencomat-branded store, as reported in the local press, is planned near the GrandApulia shopping center, owned by Finsud. On the timing of opening from the sign obviously there is still no information about the next opening. As always, it is necessary to wait for the bureaucratic process.

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