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Restyling for OBI in Navacchio (Pisa). The photos

Restyling for OBI in Navacchio (Pisa). The photos

We begin with the Home Decor department which, with its renovated exhibition area, offers a wider assortment of decorative and decoupage proposals, in addition to the new curtain ordering service.

The Bathroom department showcases inspiring settings for visitors, thanks in part to the numerous furnishing solutions that combine the best in materials, coatings, and textures with well-balanced touches of colour. There are currently four different bathroom settings that can be built and combined with products and accessories in the sales outlet (Bon Ton, New Vintage, EcoChic and Easy Comfort).

Also worthy of mention is the Lighting department, with indoor and outdoor items, and more notably, the new spaces offering clients more services and a wider array of products. Like in the Door and Window department where customers have several choices of interior, armoured doors and windows, and the Pet department.

Continuing on with our tour of the store, we get to the Garden department, one of the highlights of OBI, now enriched with a wider assortment of indoor and outdoor plants, and numerous solutions to make the most of green spaces.  In the heart of the Garden department, is the new Garden Space: an area where clients can ask dedicated specialists for recommendations, suggestions and ideas, from outdoor tiles to coatings in a variety of different materials and colour tones.

In the customer service department key cutting, remote control and plates and innovative spectrophotometry services have been introduced where the exact shades of paint can be created and reproduced, and tested on different paint surfaces, such as paper, material or plastic.

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