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CFadda opens in Iglesias

CFadda opens in Iglesias

Last December the ninth CFadda store, part of the Bricolife Consortium, opened. The new shop is in Iglesias in the province of South Sardinia, in the south-west of the island, twenty kilometers or so from the other shop in Carbonia.

The shop is in the southern district of the city next to Eurospin, in Corso Colombo, located on one of the two main streets leading into the city in a growing commercial district. The sales area is about 1500 sq.m, with 2 tills and 10 specialist members of staff.

A large sales area is visible through the shop window, divided into aisles that are easy to walk and attractive in appearance, and which lead to the main departments, as is characteristic of CFadda shops. Much attention has been paid to communications inside the shop and services: custom framing, tinting centre to create exact paint colours, key cutting and key fob programming, and free wi-fi accessible from anywhere in the shop.

There are several large screens in the store, which show the services available and showcase promotional items, and there is a practical touch screen totem tower where people can join and update data for their CFadda advantage card accounts.

Iglesias shops also have a click&collect service for online purchases.


  • from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm and from 3.30 to 9.00 pm – Closed Sunday.

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