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Bricofer announces the closing of Self Italia acquisition

Bricofer announces the closing of Self Italia acquisition

Referencing the agreement of the same name, Bricofer Italia S.p.A. has recently announced the closing of the acquisition of the company branch of Self Italia S.r.l. that took place at the office of notary Bima in Turin.

The acquisition was completed by payment of the entire sum agreed by the parent company Bricofer Italia S.p.A, which was assisted in the transactions by the legal offices of attorney Dario Martella in Rome for legal considerations, Studio Gentile for fiscal considerations and Paolo Sabbatucci, for considerations regarding workers rights.

It was an operation with significant strategic value for the Bricofer Group begun in March 2018, when it leased the company branch owned by Selfitalia S.r.l. that had more than 600 collaborators, 28 shops under the Self brand, and its Central Management in Rivalta in Turin.

The transaction, which had a high impact in economic and territorial terms, created important value helping to strengthen the core business of the Bricofer Group on a national scale.

The objective of preventing the wind up of Self, historic DIY brand in the north of Italy for more than 30 years and the loss of jobs for hundreds of families was achieved, and a large Italian manufacturing group created to become a point of reference in the sector, combining the potential and know how of Bricofer, Ottimax and Self brands.

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