Bricocasa opens new store in Monopoli (Bari)
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6,500 sq.m, 80,000 references and 52 sales staff. This is the new Bricocasa store inaugurated yesterday, February 14, in Monopoli, near Bari. The Deodato family opened the third Bricocasa store and their fourth in total, introducing to the public a DIY concept that represents an important turning point compared to the previous stores.
The new store – located in via Aldo Moro, the main road leading to Monopoli – is clearly visible from the nearby SS 16 Adriatica road, thanks also to a sign installed at the height of 27 metres.
The store interiors feature both innovative and traditional elements compared to the other Bricocasa stores. Above all the mass and depth of merchandise assortments. Already in our visit to the store of Bari we stressed this distinctive feature compared to other formats. Here the element is repeated but, of course, in a more current version, with a definitely more readable display layout concept.
However the largest differences can be identified in the composition of the assortment. Everything stresses the DIY concept, or rather the home improvement concept (in Italian we’d say home maintenance, but this is an understatement) and the display layout is intended to attract craftsmen, professionals and capable hobbyists.
And, in fact, the hardware department was enlarged with locks, cylinders, defenders, key cutting, new items and services; the electrical equipment department also includes home automation and industrial cables sold by the meter: the range of fittings, mixers and showers in the plumbing department has been expanded. There are also the construction and paints departments, but we won’t find home appliances and textiles.
A deeply redesigned assortment, the results of which will be tested in the months to come. A positive feedback will likely lead to the remake of the other stores in Bari and Molfetta.
Finally, the services. The hardware counter, where the key cutting service has been added, the interesting electrical equipment counter, where assistance is mainly directed to home automation, and the usual tinting and wood cutting services.
A new but increasingly widespread feature, the bar – called Bricocaffè – provides additional service to customers.
Let us add that, in addition to the works for the new store, the Deodatos have just released – in January – the new e-commerce site that, according to the family “is bringing great results.”
Opening hours:
- Mon-Sat, all-day from 7 am to 9 pm
- Sunday, from 9 am to 9 pm
- From 7.00 to 9.00 am, on presenting your sales receipt, Brico House offers free coffee and croissants.
Photo and video credit: Stefano Deodato
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