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FITT, research financing from the Ministry of Economic Development

FITT, research financing from the Ministry of Economic Development

With the project “New generation ‘100% Made in Italy’ of functional products for the transportation of fluids in EU and non-EU Garden, Building and Industrial sectors”, FITT has received 10 million euros funding from the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.

The financing is part of the tender Major Projects – Revolving Fund to Support Companies and research investments – sustainable Industry project. The FITT project was developed within FITT’s Innovation & Technology department, a structure created in just two years and that today employs a staff of over 40.

The objectives it intends to accomplish are: the coupling of materials for the purpose of product mult-functionality; the creation of new materials to enable savings in raw materials; and the development of complete systems to simplify application in B2B environments and monitor performance. These objectives are in line with the company’s development drivers, which are eco sustainability, water saving and the central role of the final user.

Alessandro Mezzalira, CEO for FITT, commented that, “This important financing is recognition of FITT’s capacity to develop innovative product-oriented projects and to have demonstrated its ability to observe and anticipate the market, creating products that have no competitors in a strict sense and that require test protocols created especially for the absolute novelty they represent.”

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