Everyone at Eima 2018. More than 300,000 visitors
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Extraordinary results. This is the feedback from the organisers of the 43th Eima show which, in addition to exceeding the threshold of 300,000 visitors, also saw the presence of many political representatives starting with Italy’s Minister of agriculture, food and forestry, Gian Marco Centinaio, the President of the Region of Emilia-Romagna Stefano Bonaccini and many members of the Italian and the European parliament.
This year’s Eima recorded an increase in visitors by 11% (317,000 to be exact) and took on a prominent role not only in the agricultural machinery industry, but also on the trade fair panorama generally, on a global level.
The number of foreign operators was also up – more than 50,000 with a 15% increase over the previous year – from 150 countries, for an event that saw the participation of 1,950 exhibitors occupying a gross surface area of 375,000 square metres.
“It was a great success for our association and for the Bologna fairgrounds – the President of FederUnacoma, Alessandro Malavolti, said – but particularly for agricultural machinery manufacturers, a sector that is astounding in terms of the level of technology, and which is becoming a symbol of progress and culture in the collective imagination. These machines are increasingly powerful and at the same time sophisticated and sensitive to the environment and safety, and draw a young crowd, never as numerous as this past year.”
The appointment for the next EIMA show is from 11 to 15 November 2020 in Bologna, Italy.
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