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Arexons silver medal of sustainability from Ecovadis


Arexons achieved EcoVadis certification again this year, reaching the Silver level and placing itself, in terms of sustainability, in a better position than 82 percent of companies in the same sector that have undertaken the same assessment process.

With this result, Arexons improves its score, demonstrating that its commitment to sustainability is concrete and ongoing.

EcoVadis is an independent certifying body that conducts corporate sustainability assessments through the analysis of four macro areas such as environment, labor practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable purchasing.

Participation in this assessment allows the company to demonstrate its value in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR.

Sustainability is theongoing commitment to act responsibly by integrating social and environmental aspects into business operations, not limited to regulatory compliance but taking into consideration how companies manage their economic, social and environmental impacts, as well as relationships with stakeholders (e.g., employees, business partners, governments).

Arexons Go Green

To pursue its sustainability goals, in 2021 Arexons implemented the Arexons Go Green – The Green Care Company campaign.

Underlying the project is an ambitious roadmap that points to an equally significant and already well-defined goal: to arrive in 2025, the year in which the 100th anniversary of the company’s founding falls, with concrete results and returns in terms of sustainability.

“Being more socially responsible,” comments Mario Parenti, Arexons CEO , “is essential for our company, which aspires to foster sustainability solutions in every area, from packaging to product formulations, from the use of renewable energy to raising awareness among our customers and employees. EcoVadis’ confirmation of the Silver Medal makes us proud of the work we have done in the area of sustainability and encourages us to do more and more in the future because of our attitude toward continuous improvement, including sustainability.”

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