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Bravissimi by BricoBravo

Bravissimi by BricoBravo

BricoBravo renovates the special offer plan reserved for its customers and launches Bravissimi, a selection of products that meets the purchaser’s needs.

Starting from this November, this e-commerce platform will publish, every Monday, the best offers related to a special theme of the week; this will enable customers to buy at attractive prices, from Monday to Sunday, a range of selected products meeting their needs during specific times of the year.

This new initiative begins with “Bravissimi al caldo”, over than 100 products for home heating including wood-burning and pellets stoves, bio-fireplaces, ideas for furnishing one’s home and enjoying spaces with  friends.

The launch of Bravissimi makes the Fantastici 4 (a weekly selection of four products) and the Imperdibili (the monthly top 30 products) a thing of the past, leaving space for an even more clear and immediate message.

The initiative is part of a broader change which has recently led to a restyling of the e-commerce platform. Its latest release highlights the services for customers, first of all the instalment plan and the new method of payment introduced to help customers who place orders above 100 euros.


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