Orlandelli organization, new concept for florists and garden centers
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The new Organizzazione Orlandelli showroom was inaugurated and presented to industry professionals with the presentation of the new concept packaging space for florists and gardeners.
Produced in collaboration with floral designer Mara Verbena, vice president of the Italian Floriculturists and Florists Association, Organizzazione Orlandelli presented a space where the workbench, handcrafted from made-in-Italy designer materials, makes the florist’s business easier, becomes an “open kitchen” for the customer, and as in every Orlandelli proposal, can be customized according to space and location requirements.
The event, held in Organizzazione Orlandelli’s new showroom in Curtatone (MN), was attended by more than 50 companies in the industry, who were able to appreciate the features of the new concept that is based on modular counter- and back counter-based furniture designed specifically for operators of both florists and cut flower departments of garden centers.
The cabinets are equipped with numerous drawers, tape holders, and roll holders to ensure optimal work organization and convenience. The new concept also integrates into the counter and furniture the new technological tools that have become part of the new way of being a florist and running one’s business, such as the interactive screens of new management software and the new machinery for preserving cut flowers, the famous Fior d’Acqua made by Mara Verbena.
Two concepts in two opposite colors were developed for the event: English green for the more classic area and a “barbie” pink for the area intended for a more fashionable audience. The furniture is made of completely made-in-Italy materials, combining the best solid woods with ceramic tops, complementing it with LED light effects. The end result created a setting that was highly acclaimed by participants.
The day included demonstrations of Christmas-themed packaging and floral art by Mara Verbena, who demonstrated the most innovative techniques for creating elegant and refined bouquets, arrangements and packaging.
“We are very satisfied with the outcome of the event, “ said Marco Orlandelli, CEO of Organizzazione Orlandelli. The new furniture concept for the packaging area received great interest from our customers, who appreciated the elegance, functionality and practicality of our furniture. We are convinced that this new product will set a benchmark for the floriculture industry.”
“We combined my experience as a florist and their great know-how in displaying and processing in the flower and garden field,” explained Mara Verbena. The result of this work is what we present to professionals in our field. We thus respond to the need for change and evolution that runs through the florist world.”
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