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Gruppo Papino (5 DIY stores) joins Bricolife

Gruppo Papino
Gruppo Papino

A new arrival at the Bricolife consortium that builds on its continued expansion. The new addition is Gruppo Papino Spa, which – according to its official site – has 35 Trony brand shops (home appliances and consumer electronics), 5 “Papino Brico” DIY stores and 4 “Papino Arreda” furniture stores, in Sicily and Campania.

The DIY stores are present in some mega stores (as large as 5,000 sq m) inside shopping centres, with large areas starting from 800 sq m, or combined spaces with Trony stores.

The most important sites are in Marsala, Cammarata (at the shopping centre La Fornace), Agrigento, Sciacca (shopping centre Il Corallo), Benevento (shopping centre I Sanniti) and San Cataldo (shopping centre Il Casale).

The president Roberto Fadda has expressed his satisfaction with the Consortium. “The addition of Gruppo Papino to our network is another step forward, bringing the number of stores to 86, and it consolidates Bricolife as one of the most dynamic players on the market, with a gradual, steady growth over time”.

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