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CONAI honors home improvement companies


The 10th edition of CONAI’s Call for Ecodesign awarded 219 packages out of a total of 373 submitted by 107 companies. Some Home Improvement companies are also on the list.

According to CONAI, this year’s ecodesign activities have resulted in an average reduction of 30 percent in carbon dioxide emissions, 22 percent in energy consumption and 19 percent in water consumption, and the results of the Call for Proposals confirm the growing attention of Italian companies to environmental sustainability.

The CONAI Call for Ecodesign of Packaging in the Circular Economy is an award given annually to companies that have reduced the environmental impact of their packaging. Companies can participate in the call by submitting ecodesign cases that have used at least one of the seven prevention levers in the call, which are: Reuse, Facilitation of recycling activities, Use of recycled/recovered material, Raw material savings, Optimization of production processes, Optimization of logistics, and Simplification of the packaging system.

Among the awarded companies, 76 belong to the Home Improvement sector and 1 to Pet and they are:

  • Bamaplastm awarded for in closed florist pot 24/BC and a Mastello with handles above 40 AM Pro
  • BBLine packaging for curtain accessories
  • Chimiver Panseri for 3 products ADESIVER HERCULES – ADESIVER 501 Comp.A; for ADESIVER HERCULES-ADESIVER 501 Comp.B and for SIGOL – Bi.Glue
  • Cromology Paint t2020 sanitizer 14 l
  • Mapei Blue jerry can 10 lt; White jerry can lt 1; Sprayer 750; Primo 18-e; Sachet mu 11700
  • Metaform DND for Moon
  • Nestlé Purina Gourmet mon petit intense

Specifically, we point out the proud commentary of Alberto Bettinelli, CEO of BBLine, released on Linkedin, which earned the recognition for the ninth time. Their intervention this year focused on “optimizing the secondary packaging used to ship our drapery accessories, which are traditionally packaged in plastic bags.”

In fact, “Thanks to a paper band, applied through an innovative automatic machine we designed and built, we achieved an extraordinary result.”

Packaging reduces environmental impact, but at the same time“also optimizes the process of loading counters into stores, reducing their time.”

Photo credits: BBLine

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