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BTicino top among the best companies to work for in Italy in 2018

BTicino top among the best companies to work for in Italy in 2018

For the second time. Again this year, BTicino – the leading brand of the Legrand group in Italy and specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructure – was the best company to work for in Italy in the electronics, electrical engineering and medical equipment industry.

This is the result of an online survey by the German independent research institute, Statista, in collaboration with Panorama, of more than 15,000 employees in companies employing at least 250 people in Italy.

The employees were asked anonymously to evaluate how likely they were to recommend their company and their employer, and for their opinions on other companies in the same industry.

“We are very proud of this recognition, which is the result of the direct testimony of our collaborators and which has now been the case for two consecutive years, placing us in 2018 in first place in our category,” said Lucio Tubaro, Human Resources Manager for BTicino. “The sense of belonging and engagement of human capital are the driving force for a dynamic innovative company geared for growth”.

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