TEN-DIYandGarden is now doubling up and going international
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Now three years old, TEN-DIYandGarden, the web magazine devoted to the Italian DIY, gardening and home improvement market, is now doubling up and going international.
TEN-DIYandGarden International, the English language version of the magazine, stems from a precise requirement of Italian producers in this field, who are clearly and increasingly driven by the desire to win shares of foreign markets.
The English language version, which aims to provide a valuable showcase for this sector, will flank the existing Italian magazine, which already has a good following, attracting an average of around 18 thousand visits per month, 10% of which already come from other countries (in particular, and in this order, the USA, France and Germany).
The international edition of TEN-DIYandGarden can be accessed from the Italian web magazine, simply by clicking on the flag allowing you to choose the English language; overseas visitors will also be able to enter the English language version directly.
As a b2b magazine, TEN-DIYandGarden International aims to familiarise foreign operators with the particular aspects, from both a retail and a production perspective, of Italy’s DIY and gardening markets, and in particular to inform DIY and gardening retailers.
The articles published in the international version of TEN-DIYandGarden will, in part, be translated from the weekly updates appearing in the original Italian version, but they will also cater specifically to foreign readers. They will talk about production and distribution, but also about trends and how the Italian consumer is changing and evolving.
Our mission? To help Italian companies develop their international business and make our markets better known.
Globally, Italy is the fourth largest diy market and it has peculiar characteristics, which in many cases make it quite different from those of other countries. What is more, it boasts a high level of production, both in quality and quantity terms. All in all, it is worth getting to know.
So, why not follow us and find out?
Giulia Arrigoni
Chief editor
Thank you for publishing, I really adore your work, keep
it up.