Made4DIY, new entries and the “Boulevard of Italian DIY”
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A new initiative for 2019 launched by the Made4DIY Consortium, stemming from participation in trade fairs in Italy and abroad, like the Myplant&Garden exhibition in Milan and the Hardware Show in Dublin, just a few days ago.
“In particular we will intensify our operations abroad and this one in Dublin is the first of a series of initiatives,” explains Luca Gaudenzi, marketing manager of Made4DIY. “We are studying a new initiative, scheduled for May, with a store tour and meetings with buyers working for local retail chains, organized in cooperation with the Hardware Association Ireland.
Outside work for Made4DIY, but not only. Also the internal organization has experienced some changes, like the creation of specialized work teams. “We have grouped the Consortium operations into four main categories: Garden, Hardware/construction, Joinery, Organization and arrangement of homes,” Luca Gaudenzi goes on. This new structure allows us to streamline our work and stimulate new ideas and projects, such as this new way to introduce ourselves that we started with the stand at Myplant & Garden. We set up a real garden with the products of our members, properly arranged to give an idea of their use.”
Sticking to the theme of exhibitions, another initiative will be launched at the next Buyer Point event on 15 May. “It is a Boulevard of Italian DIY that we want to test for the first time,” says Gaudenzi. If it works, it will be adopted as the presentation format of the Consortium. The inspiration comes from the DIY Boulevard inside the Eisenwaremesse, the hardware fair in Cologne, with an evolution of the exhibition space very close to the one we introduced at Myplant&Garden, with a real setting and common spaces where you can display your exhibits in live presentations. In short, an experiential walk within Made4DIY.”
Moreover, about Cologne, at the next 2020 show, thanks to our participation in Fedyma, the companies of the Consortium will display their products inside the DIY Boulevard, an area that is usually reserved for German manufacturers.
Obviously there are also the new entries approved by the Consortium board on 2 February. To begin with, Nespoli, Ferraboli and Formenti & Giovenzana. In addition, the Consortium received the application of a major multinational company, currently under discussion. Meanwhile, the Ferrari Group will join the Consortium. This accession sets an important precedent, as it breaks the “rule” that excludes the presence of competitors. “In this case the member Ipierre, already present in Made4DIY, gave its consent,” says Gaudenzi.
The Consortium also recorded three exits: Atlas, Casei Eco-System and Tecno A with its brand Order System. The reason? The inability to adequately participate in the Consortium activities.
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