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Fior d’Acqua for storing flowers in the store

Fior d'Acqua per la conservazione dei fiori

From florists to gardens to large specialty centers, for anyone who wants to deal with the cut flower product, the problem is one of preserving it so as to prolong its beauty and freshness as much as possible.

We saw the solution to this problem at MyPlant&Garden in the Fior d’Acqua booth where the only machine with an eco-green system for preserving cut flowers was on display.

The idea was to Mara Verbena, a San Marino floral designer and vice-president of the Italian Floriculturists and Florists Association (Affi) and consists of a series of modular, refrigerated containers (constant water at 6 degrees Celsius), in which, thanks to a forced circulation, the water is perfectly oxygenated and therefore suitable for the best preservation of flowers.

More savings elements

Fior D’Acqua, this is the name of the system, offers extraordinary water savings because you change the water only once a month and not every day as it should normally be. This obviously leads to waste-free water management (only 250 liters per month).

It absorbs less electricity than cold storage and produces less C02 than traditional storage methods. The consequence is to drastically reduce the waste of cut flowers, the daily labor required for their storage, and above all to increase the lifespan and saleability of flowers, thanks, precisely, to storage with constant water recycling at a temperature of 6 degrees Celsius.

Fior d’Acqua is designed in different models in size and capacities to fit the space of any store or garden center.

Who is Mara Verbena

Mara Verbena, founder in San Marino of the Fior di Verbena atelier and the Fior d’Acqua company, is one of Italy’s most highly regarded flower designers and vice president of the Associazione Floricoltori e Fioristi Italiani (Affi), an association that promotes flowers Made in Italy.

His floral arrangement courses for guests in the Big Brother house, TV dramas such as “Gambardella Family” with Lello Arena, Mrs. Confetti’s bouquets on Fabio Fazio’s “Tempo Che Fa“.

Together with AFFI florists, AFFI has taken care of the floral decorations of four editions of the Sanremo Festival and has taken care of the furnishings and decorations of the Christmas Concert for Peace at the Vatican this year, a collaboration that has already been confirmed for the upcoming Christmas Concert 2024 as well.

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