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DIYers out of necessity: 53%!

DIYers out of necessity: 53%!

This is what emerges from the study carried out by the Osservatorio Sara Assicurazioni which, through the Nextplora research institute, has conducted a CAWI survey on a representative sample of the Italian population broken down by age, gender and geographic area.

The good news, for the operators of this sector, is that as much as 53% of the Italians maintain their houses by themselves, while 60% think that neglecting small maintenance interventions could lead, in the future, to much more serious troubles. To this end, 51% are ready to spend their savings, while 31% would rather apply for a bank loan and 16% would ask financial assistance from their families. Finally, 45% of those who have an insurance policy would take advantage of the insurance coverage.

Considering their home a precious asset to be maintained and preserved at its best is therefore a priority for the majority of Italians, and their percentage exceeds 70% when their homes are located in regions subject to major weather events.

However, even if 53% of Italians, as we said before, perform maintenance works by themselves, only 10% of them enjoy doing it, while a good 45% opt for DIY just to save money. It is interesting to notice that 33% believe that they have the necessary skills to do a good job, while 12% stated that DIY represents a quicker solution.

Sticking to the topic of expertise 44% of respondents believe, however, that relying on a professional guarantees a top quality job, while 39% think that they would not be capable of carrying out maintenance works.

Another interesting aspect is that many Italian DIYers hesitate to perform outdoor maintenance works: 61% would not repair the roof; 36% think that they would not be able to paint walls and railings or fix gutters or drainpipes. Italians also show poor propensity for plumbing: 35% believe they could not replace taps in their houses.



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